Real talk: there are a lot of mediocre dog products and services out there. With pet ownership and spending on the rise, this isn’t a surprise. That’s why, when we come across businesses with compassionate dog people behind them, that put out quality products, and especially that give back, we show them some love. Welcome to the first of what we hope will be many wag worthy business features!
Today, we are featuring Squishy Face Studio! If you’re following The Sniff on instagram you already know that we are huge fans of Squishy Face’s flirt poles – we’ve relied on them to tire out many smart, athletic dogs over the years, and were thrilled to give two of them away to our instagram followers just a few days ago. (If you missed the giveaway, read on – there’s a discount code at the bottom of this post!)

Justin and Jessica Lohmann, with Petey and Maxwell.
I caught up with Justin, Squishy Face’s cofounder, recently and was super inspired to learn more about this business. Started in 2009 by Justin and Jessica Lohmann, the inspiration behind this Florida-based business was their rescue pit bull, Maxwell, whose adorable mug lives on as Squishy Face’s logo. Although Maxwell has since crossed the rainbow bridge, Justin reminisced that Maxwell “was a wonderful dog and taught [Justin and Jessica] the importance of exercise, which directly led to the development of [Squishy Face’s] products.” Their goal was to create a small business that would allow them to leave their corporate jobs, but also “make a positive impact on pit bull advocacy and animal welfare in general.” Seeing as Squishy Face donated over $4,000 in cash and product to various animal rescues, humane societies, and non-profit advocacy groups in 2017 alone, I’d say that they are definitely making the impact they set their eyes on back in 2009! Squishy Face looks for organizations that share their values and supports them by donating products they can use for fundraisers and education programs. They also often make cash donations, sometimes in partnership with Fit For A Pit.

Squishy Face’s flirt poles are second to none!
My very first purchase of a high-quality Squishy Face product gave me the answer to this next question, but I had to ask Justin anyway: what makes Squishy Face different from its competitors? His answer: “Our products are made in the USA and designed for strength and durability. We offer a one-year warranty on all of our products.” I also love that Squishy Face emphasizes the importance of exercise and maintaining a healthy weight when marketing its products. With over half of the dogs in the USA estimated to be obese, products like Squishy Face’s are more important than ever, especially when they’re made ethically and reliably.
I was so excited for Justin when he told me that 2017 was an amazing year for Squishy Face Studio, as the company struggled to meet demand for its products. In 2018, they are “focusing on increasing production and fulfilment capabilities to keep up with demand and maximize potential to support the dogs.”
Squishy Face Studio is a wag worthy business that The Sniff is proud to support!
Bonus: use the code THESNIFF for 15% off your Squishy Face Studio purchase! Offer expires 12/31/18.
Do you know a wag worthy business that you think The Sniff should feature? Email me:
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